Course curriculum

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    About this Course: Start Here

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    • Introduction - [Title]

    • Introduction - [Video]

    • Introduction

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    Quality of Care and Pain Management

    • Quality of Care and Pain Management - [Title]

    • Quality of Care and Pain Management - [Video]

    • Overview

    • Pain Management and Standards of Practice

    • Surveys and Citations - [Video]

    • Surveys and Citations

    • Definitions - [Video]

    • Definitions

    • Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)

    • Adjuvant Medication

    • Analgesic

    • Opioids

    • Pain

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    Pain Assessment: The Initial Assessment

    • Pain Assessment: The Initial Assessment - [Title]

    • Pain Assessment: The Initial Assessment - [Video]

    • The Parts of an Initial Pain Assessment

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    Pain Recognition

    • Pain Recognition - [Title]

    • Pain Recognition - [Video]

    • Overview

    • Two Categories of Pain-Related Behavior

    • Physical Signs of Pain

    • Verbal Signs of Pain

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    Pain Assessment

    • Pain Assessment - [Title]

    • Pain Assessment - [Video]

    • Pain Assessment: Overview

    • Gather Information

    • Location: Where is the Pain?

    • Onset: When did the pain start?

    • Experience: Have you had this pain before?

    • Frequency: How often do you have this pain?

    • Provocation: What was happening when the pain started?

    • Description: Can you describe the pain?

    • Qualities of the pain: Is the pain constant or intermittent? How long does the pain last?

    • Severity: How bad is your pain?

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    Pain Assessment and the Non-Verbal Patient

    • Pain Assessment and the Non-Verbal Patient - [Title]

    • Pain Assessment and the Non-Verbal Patient - [Video]

    • Pain Assessment and the Non-Verbal Patient : Overview

    • 1. Verbal and Numerical Pain Scales

    • 2. Observation

    • 3. A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

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    Pain Management

    • Pain Management - [Title]

    • Pain Management - [Video]

    • Pain Management: Overview

    • Four Considerations for Effective Pain Interventions

    • Staff Roles in Pain Management

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    Non-Pharmacologic Pain Management

    • Non-Pharmacologic Pain Management - [Title]

    • Non-Pharmacological Pain Management - [Video]

    • Non-Pharmacological Pain Management: Overview

    • Altering the Environment for Comfort

    • Physical Modalities

    • Psychological

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    Pharmacological Pain Management

    • Pharmacologic Pain Management - [Title]

    • Pharmacologic Pain Management - [Video]

    • Pharmacologic Pain Management: Overview

    • Guidelines for Choosing Appropriate Medications

    • Examples of Different Approaches

    • Opioid Analgesics

    • Monitoring

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    Course Summary and Quiz

    • Course Summary

    • References

    • Course Quiz

    • Course Evaluation Instructions

    • Evaluation: We value your feedback

    • [Download Your Certificate]